Monday, March 5, 2012

Free Small Pack of Oreos at CVS!

Free Small Pack of Oreos at CVS! 

Be sure to scan your card at the Magic Coupon Machine this week at CVS! Some people are getting a coupon for a FREE small pack of Oreos!

Remember - Keep scanning your card until it says "No more coupons for today." And keep in mind not everyone gets the same coupons. But hopefully we all get free Oreos! Yum!

Oreo Convenience Pack, 5.25-6 oz $1.50
Use Free Oreo Convenience Pack coupon from the Magic Coupon Machine
Final Price: FREE  

Be sure to check that they are in stock before you scan, because this coupon expires one day after it prints!

Check out the rest of the CVS deals!

Thanks, KCL!

coupon bomb