New to Couponing?

Are You New to Couponing?

Here are the basics of how to get started:
  1. Collect your coupons - Lots of them! 
  2. Organize your coupons   
    • Create a binder & sort by category
    • Or file all the coupon inserts by date {that's what I do}
  3. Wait for a sale
    • The big “Secret” is matching coupons with awesome sales & promos! 
    • Then you stock up at a rock bottom price!
  4. Watch for deals
  5. Plan your shopping trips & go for it!
    • Come prepared with a detailed list {just cut & paste the "deal" into a word doc & print it!}
    • It does take time and effort, but it is well worth it!
For more info, check out my Couponing Tips and How to Shop pages.

Have a question? Need help? Email me {Emily} at :)

Saving money is highly addicting. Once you get started, you'll NEVER want to pay retail again!

coupon bomb