Check out these great new breakfast coupons! Silk milk is one of my new obsessions! Can't get enough of that stuff! :) Have you tried it?
These coupons are pre-clipped for you:
$0.75/1 Minute Maid Pure Squeezed Orange Juice
$1.00/2 Cheerios: Frosted Cheerios, Apple Cinnamon Cheerios, or Banana Nut Cheerios
40¢/6 Yoplait Yogurt (Includes Original, Light, Thick & Creamy, OR Whips!)
$1.00/3 General Mills cereals: Basic 4, Cheerios, Chex, or Cinnamon Toast Crunch
$1.00/1 Silk Fruit & Protein quart or larger
$1.00/1 Silk Pure Coconut Milk (Half Gallon)
$0.75/2 Bagel-fuls (4ct)
$1.00/1 Any flavor International Delight Iced Coffee (Half Gallon)