Saturday, September 17, 2011

Where to Find More Coupons: 14 Sources

 Where to Find More Coupons: 14 Sources

Coupons have evolved since the olden days of Grandma sitting at the kitchen table with one newspaper and pair of scissors. These days, coupons are everywhere {and you'll need lots of them!} You just have to keep your eyes open.
  1. Newspapers - You will need several copies of the newspaper so you have more than one of each coupon. That way, when you come across a great deal, you can stock up! A good rule of thumb is one copy for each member of your family. Previously, I shared 6 ways to get more newspapers. And don't forget to check the Sunday Coupon Preview before you buy to see if there are going to be lots of good coupons that you want that week. Then you can buy more than you usually do. 
  2. Coupon Clipping Service - Did you know you can buy coupons online? Whether it's because your city doesn't offer the best coupon inserts, or you simply need more of a certain coupon, you have the option of buying them from a clipping service. I have had good experiences buying from Coupons by Dede. You can even buy whole inserts. You typically pay 10% of the coupon's value + S&H.
  3. Catalinas - Have you ever seen those gray boxes by the register that print coupons next to your receipt? That is a Catalina machine and it prints Catalina Coupons. Any time there is a "reward" at Walgreens, or a "Your Bucks" offer at Kroger where you receive a dollars-off coupon for your next order for buying a product, that is a Catalina. These are great because you can use them on anything in the store on your next shopping trip!
  4. Peelies - A Peelie is a coupon that sticks directly on the product that you peel off when you buy the product. Do not take these peelies if you are not buying the product! That is bad coupon etiquette.
  5. Hangtags - Hangtags are coupons found hanging on a product. Do not take these if you are not buying the product!
  6. Tearpads - Tearpads are usually found near a product in the store. You can take more than one coupon, but only take a reasonable amount for your family size.
  7. Blinkies -  Blinkie coupons are those tiny machines in the aisles that blink on the side to get your attention. Feel free to take a couple if it’s something you could see yourself buying multiples of. But you should almost ALWAYS save these for a sale or even use them at another store. Blinkies are almost always found on FULL price products.
  8. Coupon Booklets - Many stores, like Walgreens, Albertson's, Kroger, Target and CVS will occasionally offer a coupon booklet. Sometimes they are found by the register, or by the weekly ad, or will be mailed to your home. If you hear about one, ask an associate if they can help you find one. The great thing about Coupon Booklets is that they are usually STORE coupons that you can STACK with manufacturer coupons for even more savings!
  9. Printable Coupons - There are so many great web sites with printable coupons:,,, & Remember you can print 2 from each computer you have!
  10. Facebook - Look at a company’s website and their Facebook page for special offers and coupons. Facebook has become a major printable coupon spot. Many brands will ask that you “like” their page to get the coupon, but it's usually high value!
  11. Write the Company -  If there’s a product you want a coupon for, write the company! Simply find the contact form on their website. Tell them something you like about the product, and often times they will send you coupons as a thank you (Sometimes for FREE products!) Score!
  12. All You Magazine -  I LOVE this magazine. It is full of money-saving ideas PLUS $750 - $100 worth of coupons in every issue! You can only buy it at Walmart (for about $2.88/issue) or by subscription. You can get a 1-year for $1.66/issue.
  13. VocalPoint & Kraft First Taste - Whenever there is a new product, brands want consumers to create a positive buzz about it. Both Vocalpoint and Kraft First Taste offer FREE product coupons or high value coupons in hopes that you will chat with your friends about the new product you tried. They are both free to join too.
  14. eCoupons -  Digital coupons are a new type of coupon that is loaded directly to your store loyalty card (like your Kroger card). One great eCoupon site is Cellfire. But remember, these eCoupons are applied instead of paper coupons no matter the value, usually can NOT be removed once they have been applied to your order in the checkout lane, and can NOT be stacked with another manufacturer coupon. So make sure you really want to use your eCoupon before you load it to your card.
What's your go-to place to pick up coupons? I'm loving All You and VocalPoint right now!

Thanks, Dealicious Finds!

coupon bomb