Thursday, September 1, 2011

Couponing Tip: Getting Organized {what works for me}

 Couponing Tip: Getting Organized 

Getting organized makes couponing so much easier! Save yourself time, frustration, and money by getting organized!

Here's what I do to organize my coupons: {I now organize by date, rather than clipping all coupons and putting them in a binder - saves me time - no more clipping coupons I won't use}

1. I first write the date of the insert in the top left corner of the insert. {I also include the newspaper it came from, Dallas Morning News, Briefing, or Local, because the coupons differ slightly in each}

2. Then I paperclip all the inserts together. {I usually get 4 copies}

3. I stack all inserts in order of date in a bin on my desk. {This makes it really easy to flip to the insert I need, like SS 8/28, and find the coupon I need while I'm on the computer planning a shopping trip}

4. Every few months, I remove the oldest inserts, since all the coupons are usually expired within 3 months.

5. Printable coupons- I typically put in a folder together or clip right away.

Here's what I do to get organized for shopping trips:

1. Make a detailed shopping list. I copy & paste the deals into a Word document & print it out. {I also frequently pull up my site on my iPhone if I missed something}

2. I clip all the coupons I need {including some backups in case something is sold out}

3. I put the coupons and print-outs into my store envelopes: Walgreens, CVS, Kroger & Target. {I also keep all my RRs, ECBs, loyalty cards, and store coupons/books in these envelopes}

That's what works for me! Nothing too fancy or OCD =) I'd love to hear what you do to stay organized!

coupon bomb