Friday, September 2, 2011

Couponing Tip: Collecting Coupons

Couponing Tip: Collecting Coupons 

A common question from new couponers is, "Where do you get all those coupons?"

One copy of the Sunday paper just doesn't cut it if you really want to save big. You need about 4 copies {or more if you have a larger family} so you can buy multiples of a product when you find a rock bottom price!

So where can you find coupons?

Newspaper Subscription: Getting papers delivered to your door means you never miss out and you always get the best coupons, too! But it can be pricey {like $200/year - yikes!}, so wait for a sale {that's what I did}

Newsstand: Did you know that Walgreens, CVS, Walmart & Kroger all sell papers throughout the week? In DFW you can get a 2-pack of the Dallas Morning News for $5, instead of paying $3 for each.

Find FREE Newspaper Subscriptions: If you live in DFW, sign up for the Briefing. It's free and you'll get coupons delivered to your door every Saturday! Live outside DFW? Google for free newspapers in your area.

Local Papers: My city has its own paper that also includes the SmartSource insert each week -- and it's FREE!

Neighbors & Friends, Family & Co-Workers: This is one of the best ways to get coupons for free-- just ask around! There are lots of people who don't use their coupons and would be happy to share. All you have to do is ask! :)

Print Coupons: There are SO many great coupons available online! Plus you can typically print 2 coupons from every computer you have.

Recycling Centers: Yes, I'm talking about "Dumpster Diving" but it's not as gross as it sounds. Find a paper recycling center in your city and take a look! {Paper-only bins are best so it's clean} Just bring some tongs, gloves and a bag and start filling it up! {I did it and got lots of free coupons!}

Find coupons everywhere: Magazines {All You, Parents}, store displays {peelies, tear pads, sample booths}, product packages {P&G} and lots of other places will have free coupons! Just keep on the lookout.

I would love to here your favorite sources for finding coupons! Where do you find Your coupons?

coupon bomb