Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Couponing Tip: Size Matters

Couponing Tip: Size Matters

It is SO important check the size of the product you are buying for 2 reasons:

1. You don't want to miss out on the sale price or Register Reward because you got the wrong item.

2. You don't want to commit coupon fraud because you purchased an item that did not match the wording on your coupon.

For example, I went to Walgreens to pick up my 4 bags of M&Ms. When I arrived in the candy aisle, there were about 10 different bags of M&Ms - various sizes and flavors...which one do I get? ...

The ad lists that 11.4 oz and 12.6 oz M&Ms are on sale and you earn a $5 Register Reward when you buy 4. {You must first of all know what size to look for. Copy & paste the deal and print it out or grab an ad}

I spotted shelf tags on the 11.4 oz and 12.6 oz bags that indicated those were the ones on sale and part of the RR promo. {Shelf tags are helpful, but incorrect sometimes} 

Then I noticed that a HUGE stack of bags that were not 11 or 12 oz had been placed in the wrong spot. They were like 13oz -- close enough that you wouldn't think twice about it when you picked it up unless you were looking at the numbers. {Do a quick check of the size before you check out}

I found a "Bonus Size" bag with 20% more free and thought "Score! I can get more bang for my buck!"  But I had second thoughts and asked the manager if the bonus size would still trigger the RR, and he said no, it wouldn't! The bonus sizes have a different UPC. {Skip the bonus size when the UPC matters, like at Walgreens}

Coupon Fraud, whether accidental or intentional, is a big no-no. We couponers must be diligent about making sure we only use the coupon for its intended product/size/variety.

Read the wording carefully. There is always size listed (sometimes it will say any size and then you're fine.)  The wording is what matters, not necessarily what is pictured on the coupon.

Bottom line, pay attention =)

coupon bomb