6 Secrets for Couponing with Young Kids
Remember those carefree days when you could leisurely peruse the aisles as long as you wanted? ...Neither do I ;)
Once you have kids, shopping is never the same. I have to admit, I thought my son would never be the that kid that throws a temper tantrum in the middle of the grocery store, but I was wrong. Eventually just about every precious little angel pitches a fit. Add couponing into the mix and it's a challenge to say the least.
Yes, it is so much easier to shop when you leave the kiddos at home, but that's just not possible for every shopping trip. Here are some tips on how to successfully manage kids and coupons.
1. Get organized Use nap time or other free time to plan so that shopping trips are simplified. You don't want to be stuck in the toothpaste aisle wondering which of the 100 varieties of Colgate was the right one (as your child screams), and you don't want to overpay at checkout because the item rang up incorrectly but you didn't catch it (because you didn't plan!)
I can't stress how important it is to make a detailed list of exactly what you plan to buy-- name, size, quantity, retail price, which coupons to use, and the price you expect to pay out of pocket plus your total for the trip.
{This can be done very easily by copying and pasting the "deal" into a Word document and then adding all of the "Pay $X" together to get your total.} If you need to do multiple transactions, write them out!
2. Pick the right time For me, the best time to shop with my nearly 2-year-old son is in the morning after breakfast (when he's full and happy). The store's aren't too crowded then, either. Plus, the shelves are usually better stocked in the morning. Don't shop right before (or during!) lunchtime or nap time! I've made that mistake too many times. Hungry + tired kid = recipe for disaster.
3. Don't take too long Unfortunately there's a ticking time-bomb sitting in your shopping cart. Take too long, and he'll explode. So get in, get what you need, and get out. Planning (and experience) help you get things done much faster--but you still have to remember to be quick!
4. Use distraction Now's the time to pack your arsenal of distraction techniques:
--Find a few small toys that you can bring with you to whip out when they get restless.
--Snacks, snacks, and more snacks. Don't forget the drinks, too.
--Let your child "help" find items. Or point out things around the store for your child to look at or search for. My son loves to find all kinds of shapes.
5. Look the other way When you've done all you can and it's just not working, look the other way. It's best to ignore minor tantrums for as long as possible, no matter how many people are staring or how awful it is. Whining and sulking will only get worse if you attend to it.
For major meltdowns, get out of the store ASAP. Leave your cart (and your precious deals--hopefully they will still be there when you come back). Going outside or to the car for a few minutes for a change of scenery can help calm them down.
6. Don't stress over it Great deals will come around again, but soon enough those kids will be grown and gone. Focus your time and energy on what's most important-- your family!
Do you have any tips on couponing with kids? Please share what has worked for you!
coupon bomb